Custom Herbal Consultations with Melanie

Throughout history, humans have consistently lived in harmony with the natural world, relying on plants and fungi for their survival. Herbalism is one of the oldest forms of medicine practiced by humans and has been used by different cultures throughout history. Today, botanical medicine is used as the primary source of healthcare in a significant portion of the world population.

Herbalism looks at a person holistically to uncover the root cause rather than provide symptom relief. A holistic approach to healing acknowledges the physical, spiritual, emotional, and cultural aspects of an individual along with the innate healing power of the human body.

I offer one-on-one herbal consultations to dive deep into the topics and symptoms you want to address, as well as health history, personal goals, and any other relevant information. Together, we will connect the symptoms to the root cause so we can create a plan towards your wellness goals.

"Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect."

- Chief Seattle

What to expect:

During our consultation, I will guide you through a holistic assessment to gain a better understanding of your wellness goals and health concerns. This process will take into account your diet, lifestyle, past experiences, and personal journey. I will share my initial thoughts and gather your feedback to help me create a plan that feels manageable and empowering for you.

After our consultation, I will dive deeper into the topics we discuss and develop a customized holistic plan that includes herbs, supplements, and lifestyle suggestions to support your goals and align with your individual story. You will receive a personalized herbal protocol, which may include a tea, tincture, and/or capsules, along with a detailed report of recommendations covering herbs, supplements, lifestyle adjustments, and nutritional guidance. I will often provide additional resources and references for further insight.

In addition to your report, you will have access to continuous email support. I highly recommend scheduling a follow-up appointment 4-6 weeks after your initial consultation, and I advise that we collaborate on your health over a period of 3-6 months to achieve the best results.


Initial consultation 60-75 min: $135 (includes 4oz of custom tea blend) + cost of additional herbal formulas

Follow up session 45 min: $75 + cost of herbal formulas

Acute symptom session 30 min (such as general immune support or bacterial, viral, fungal infection support) : $50 + cost of herbal formulas

Please note: These sessions are offered over the phone or Zoom

If you are interested in working together and learning more about herbal medicine, please fill out the contact form below and I will be in touch to schedule your initial consultation!

Consultation Contact Form

Custom Formulas